
Smith and wesson 32 revolver serial number lookup
Smith and wesson 32 revolver serial number lookup

32 S&W caliber with nearly 300,000 of the smaller caliber being made. 38’s were being made, the same basic design was offered in. 38 with a solid frame/trigger guard combination, but still of the top break design, that led the way for the solid frame, swing out cylinder revolvers to come.Īt the same time that the top-break. These were followed by the Perfected Model.

smith and wesson 32 revolver serial number lookup

38 DA weighed 18 ounces and would go through five design changes, thirty-one years of production, and number more than one-half million examples of top-break design.

smith and wesson 32 revolver serial number lookup

38 Special which would come later, but the less powerful. The first small frame double action Smith & Wesson, a. 357 Magnum and finally the diminutive J-frames chambered in. 357 “Combat Magnum” and earlier mentioned Masterpiece revolvers the L-frame, the newest intermediate sized. 357 Magnum the middle-sized K-frames, the. Smith & Wesson has long utilized the alphabet to distinguish their revolvers: the N-frames, the largest. These lightweight easily concealable handguns are the J-frames. These are the guns kept in countless bedside stands, under store counters, in tackle boxes, and day packs. These are the guns carried concealed by civilians and peace officers alike. There is another whole class of Smith & Wesson handguns, a group of revolvers rarely ever seen. Larger calibers are carried for more serious purposes such as hunting and law enforcement. 22 they are used not only for target shooting but by thousands upon thousands of families enjoying the great sport of plinking together.

smith and wesson 32 revolver serial number lookup

They are seen at target ranges, in the hunting field, worn openly on the belt of peace officers, as well as campers, hikers, fisherman, in fact, all types of sportsmen. 22 Long rifle, the famous Masterpiece revolvers.Īll of these handguns are guns that I would label high exposure. 22 target pistol and the epitome of target guns from a few decades ago, the K-38. But there are other Smith & Wessons such as the Model 41. As a writer I’ve spread a lot of ink discussing both of these types and as a shooter I’ve run thousands of bullets down the barrels of slick shootin’ Smith sixguns and fast-firing defensive pistols. Mention Smith & Wesson and most shooters will immediately think of one of two things, either big bore Magnum sixguns, or state-of-the-art semi-automatic pistols.

Smith and wesson 32 revolver serial number lookup